
do you want champagne

anouskas flowery shirt, nightime, v neck, apres ski, wolf jumper, fire fire, flower power, last night, slopes in the sun

went to val thorens recently to slip back into the skis, but thanks to shitty snowstorms - not so magical when theyre turning your hair into icicles - and alot of alcohol, didnt actually break them in that much. spent my time wining and dining at johns the most #amazeballs resteraunt and cooking up a storm back at the apartment with anouska. after a rendition of 'voulez vous coucher..' we spent our nights at saloon bar, dancing under the ski pass coated ceiling and drowning in tequilla before hitting malaysia for our chav infested mornings of champagne.

halfway through the holiday we just about died, but managed to hit up la folie douce on our last day, the best apres ski around town. a friggin party in the mountains where the crazy ass dj will show you his remixs of mj and avicii whilst spraying out bottles of champagne from the balconys. after making friends with the multicolour ski jacket clad bouncers, we had the joy of skiing back along with every drunk person on the slope. shout out to the man in the blow up santa onesie who went down bum first holding his skis! anyway, il round this thing off now telling you ive just booked my next holiday in turkey&&greece, buzzing.

so go fly somewhere, get laid, get crazy, you deserve it bitcheees!